Um eventuelle Schäden am Instrument zu vermeiden, wird empfohlen die Montage des „String Butler®“ von einem Fachmann ausführen zu lassen.
Um eine optimale Wirkung des „String Butler“ nach der Montage zu gewährleisten, sollten die benutzten Gitarrensaiten entfernt und ein neuer Satz Gitarrensaiten verwendet werden.
Alle „String Butler“ Modelle werden zum Schutz des Lackes vor Abdrücken und Kratzern mit zwei PVC Unterlegscheiben geliefert (ausgenommen davon sind die String Butler acrylic“ Modelle). Diese PVC Scheiben werden über die Stimmwirbel gesteckt und unter dem „String Butler“ platziert, wodurch eine ausreichende Distanz zur Kopfplatte erreicht wird.
Überprüfe anhand der Maße auf den Abbildungen die erforderlichen Abständer der Mechaniken zueinander.
String Butler V2
Ausführung mit
String Butler V3
Ausführung mit
Überzeuge dich vor dem Kauf eines der „String Butler“ Modelle, ob die Mechaniken deiner Gitarre für eine Montage geeignet sind. Nicht kompatibel sind Mechaniken mit Einschlaghülsen / Steckhülsen die z.B. bei „Vintage Nickel Mechanik“ Serien verwendet werden.
The smallest distance of the guitar tuner is 35.0mm. The string Butler V3 fits.
The largest distance is 44.0mm. The String Butler V2 & String Butler V3 fits
For a musician, there is probably nothing worse than having to play on an out of tune instrument. Many guitarists have this problem when they bend strings. You end up tuning your guitar over and over again or take your chances when playing on stage. I thought about this problem for a long time and why this effect only appears on certain guitars with 3L / 3R headstocks.
This happens when the machine heads are positioned in a specific arrangement wherein the strings are kinked behind the nut. Bending a kinked string pulls the kink into the nut where it gets stuck until it’s pulled out again by tuning. If you tune your guitar at this point you can hear a “pling” sound.
The “STRING BUTLER” takes the strings out of the nut in a straight line and guides them over a set of wheels into the machine heads. Because of that, the strings cannot kink behind the nut. It does not matter how expensive the machine heads of a guitar are. It is important how the strings move between the nut and the machine heads.
The “STRING BUTLER” has been designed exclusively for guitars fitted with a headstock with a 3L / 3R tuning machine head layout. Importantly, the “STRING BUTLER” has been designed for tuning machines fastened with threaded screws. Vintage Keystone style tuners with sleeves to strike are not compatible. Good examples are Les Paul type guitars.
Another advantage of the “STRING BUTLER” is that you can perform the installation yourself. It is recommended that you use a new set of strings after mounting the “STRING BUTLER.” Your old strings may have been damaged already.
When assembling the “STRING BUTLER” it is important to remove the old set of strings and clean the nut well.Next, use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the machine heads, a 3/8" wrench may not work. There are tuners that require omitting their washers, but if the pegs are long enough you can continue to use them to secure the “STRING BUTLER.” Be careful not to tighten the thread nuts too firmly to prevent damage.
Guitar Machine Heads Type "Locking" can not be used when the distance from the head plate to the hole for the insertion of the guitar strings is 19.5 mm or less. Optimal is 21.5 (without flat washer) to 24.0mm (with flat washer) if the head plate is not stronger than 15.0mm.
Compatibility Kit specially designed for attaching the String Butler® to guitars with vintage tuners.
! Not compatible with String Butler® Acrylic model V2 & V3 !
This kit is not for Gibson® guitars! For Gibson® guitars you need the String Butler® Vintage Adapter Kit 2 (SB-VAK-2) !
Scope of supply
- first remove all 6 string of the guitar completely
- let the original vintage impact sleeves removed by a specialist !
- place the String Butler® in the middle of the thread turning sleeve and secure with a washer and threaded nuts
- then put on new set of strings
Compatibility kit specially designed for attaching the String Butler® to
Gibson ® guitars with vintage tuners.
! Not compatible with String Butler® Acrylic model V2 & V3 !
( For other Vintage Guitars you need Adapter Kit 1 )
Scope of supply:
- first remove all 6 strings of the guitar completely!
- just remove the E-strings tuners from the headstock and keep screws have original vintage impact sleeves removed by a specialist and replace with new Dietrich Parts
threaded sleeve.
- Mount both e-single mechanisms from the vintage adapter kit to the top plate (please do not confuse the right and left machine heads!)
- Place the string butler in the middle of the thread turning sleeve and secure with a washer and threaded nuts
then put on new set of strings - guitar tune - done.